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CAFAC  invites the greater Powderhorn community to join us in the creation of Together/apART, a public art and cultural documentation project inspired by how we are all moving through life during the Covid-19 pandemic. This project aims to be a community bonding and solidarity experience, carried out collectively while we are literally isolated in our own homes. Together (while apART), we will create an artistic mixed material quilt that will stretch across CAFAC's parking yard fence, located at the busy corner of 38th and Chicago. Together/apART asks you to reflect on your experiences during this time of challenge and change and to interpret them through imagery, words, or symbols, which CAFAC will cut into steel and incorporate into a public art installation

Find more details and how to get involved here!

Earlier Event: March 25
Open (Hot)House
Later Event: April 28
Open Hearth/apART