layered images of water with a photo of a smiling nouf sitting with her arms and legs crossed. There is blue neon waves around the edges and the word “sawad” above her photo. Words to the left of the picture read “opening reception saturday, july, 27th”
**ATTENTION!! The opening for "sawad" opening time has changed to 8pm so that the neon can be better appreciated.**
Join us Saturday, July 27th, 8-9:30pm for the opening reception and a chance to celebrate all of the incredible work nouf saleh has done during her residency with us. Save the date for a talk with the artist on Thursday, August 8th, 6-8pm and again on September, 25th, 5pm afterwards, stay for our fall Open (Hot)House from 6:30-9pm.
Congratulations to nouf saleh on the completion of her residency and this beautiful exhibit. It has been a treasure having you and we can't wait to see where your new skills take you.